Thursday, February 19, 2015

Maps and Memes UK book launch

Save this date! The 5th of May is the official launch date in the UK for Maps and Memes.  The launch will take place in the University of London's Senate House in central London (see image above).  The room number will be available at reception.  Drinks and books for purchase will be available at the event.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Geospatial and Visual Methods Lab

The new Geospatial and Visual Methods Lab space 
at Royal Holloway

The new lab space in the Department of Geography features GIS and video software for use in post-graduate teaching and research.  

It is intended as a place for creative and participatory exploration of new ways of mapping, representing, and thinking about space (human, physical, cultural, political and more).

Teaching starts tomorrow with social and cultural geography master's students using video editing software.  We have an Apple TV module to aid with group learning and coordination.

The GVML also has its own new twitter account for keeping up to date with activities and developments occurring here.  Follow us @GVMLab or @gwilymeades for updates.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Heathrow Terminal 5 via Poyle and Staines Moor

Rode right up to the end of the runway on my bicycle
Ate an apple and just waited
Before long a jumbo jet 
Went full-bore across the tops of the signal towers
Air traffic control 
Tower winking
Shuttle pods shuffling along
And another 
This time higher
Took flight right over me
Now situated so close
I had to plug my ears